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Bravo® 500. Agricultural Fungicide. FUNGICIDE -. Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile). 40.4%. Other Ingredients:.BRAVO 500 contains chlorothalonil, a non-systemic broad spectrum fungicide for use on winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, rye, triticale, winter barley.Agricultural Fungicide. Active Ingredient: I. Bravo 500. Page 1. Chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile).Bravo 500. A Broad Spectrum Agricultural Fungicide. Read entire label carefully and use only as directed. Precautionary Statements.BRAVO® 500 Agricultural Fungicide is an excellent fungicide when used according to label directions for control of a broad spectrum of plant.US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO 500, 08/26/2014U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO 500, 04/08/1997U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO 500, 02/26/2009
Approved Pamphlet BRAVO 500 15723 2013-06-18. Page 1 of 17. GROUP M FUNGICIDE. BRAVO. ®. 500. Agricultural Fungicide. AGRICULTURAL. SUSPENSION. GUARANTEE:.Bravo 500. VVS. RA. 4. 7,-. 40.496 Agricultural Fungicide. Contains 4.17 Pounds Chlorothalonil Per Gallon (500 grams per liter).(500 grams per liter). Agricultural Chemicals Business. Do not combine BRAVO Flowable Fungicide in the spray tank with.BRAVO® 500 Agricultural Fungicide. PAGE 1 OF 6. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park. Guelph, ON N1G 4Z3.Bravo®500. A Broad-Spectrum Agricultural Fungicide. Read entire label before using this product. PRECAUTWNARYSTATEMENTS.BRAVO 500 - Syngenta CanadaBRAVO 500 - AgrianU.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO 500, 03/17/1994. juhD453gf
Product Name, BRAVO 500 AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE. Province, CANADA. Incident Report, Incident Report. Incident Report NO. 2020-4563.84-OR-12. Chemical: Chlorothalonil. Type Product: Fungicide. Product Name: Bravo 500 -. Company Name: Oregon State Department of Agriculture.The performance youve come to expect with Bravo 500, now containing Zinc. Description BRAVOоаZn Agricultural Fungicide is an excellent.BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide per 1000 litres of water and apply 1400 litres per hectare twice weekly or as needed to maintain control.Bravo® Zn. Agricultural Fungicide, :~=-:(Co:ntainer Label). Contains 4.17 Pounds Chloro~onil Per Gallon (500 grams per liter).Trade Name: BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide. Chemical Structure: This subission is an experimental use permit (EUP) to.Bravo 500 Fungicide. DIY Craft Patch Crest.Apply only to agricultural crops when the potential for drift to areas of human. Add first BRAVO 500 Fungicide then EMISSARIUS FUNGICIDE.Bravo® 500. EPA Reg. Bravo® 825 Agricultural Fungicide. GB Biosciences Corporation is submitting Notification for Bravo 720, EPA Reg.ORONDIS ULTRA A Fungicide may be tank mixed with BRAVO® 500. Agricultural Fungicide for any Brassica crop listed on that label. Follow the.Apply BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide in sufficient water to obtain adequate coverage. DO NOT apply within 7 days of harvest. For control of early blight.Agricultural Fungicide. Active Ingredient: Bravo Zn (Master). Contains 4.17 Pounds Chlorothalonil Per Gallon (500 grams per liter).Chlorothalonil (Bravo® 500 and Bravo® 720. Agricultural Fungicide, EPA Reg. No. 50534-8 and 50534-188) in or on Asparagus.Chlorotalonil (Bravo 500 and Bravo 720 Agricultural Fungicide, EPA Reg. No. 50534-8 and 50534-188) in or on Asparagus. Evaluation of analyticalBRAVO® 500 Agricultural Fungicide. PAGE 1 OF 6. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park. Guelph, ON N1G 4Z3.Omega 500F Fungicide. Through multi-site modes of action, Omega® fungicide attacks pathogens to provide disease control for legume vegetables, beans,.Washington State Department of Agriculture/Endangered Species Program. Chlorothalonil is a broad-spectrum fungicide used to control fungi.Trade Name: BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide. Chemical Structure: This subission is an experimental use permit (EUP) to control primary scab.Chlorothalonií (Bravo® 500 and Bravo® 720. Agricultural Fungicide, EPA Reg. No. 50534-8 and 50534-188) in or on Asparagus.Bravo® 500. EPA Reg. No. 50534-8. Bravo® 720. EPA Reg. No. 50534-188. Bravo® 825 Agricultural Fungicide. EPA Reg. No. 50534-201.BRAVO ULTREX AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE chlorothalonil. Champ Dry Prill Agricultural Fungicide/Bactericide. Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil 500 ZN chlorothalonil.Equus® 500 ZN. Bravo® ZN Agricultural Fungicide · Bravo® Zn · Cercos™ Fungicide. Echo® 720 Agricultural Fungicide.Allegro 500F Agricultural Fungicide may be used in disease forecasting. QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide can be tank mixed with BRAVO 500.37 /a The Use and Purpose of Spray Adjuvants for Foliar Fungicides Dr. Tom Kucharek,. Protectant fungicides such as Bravo 500, Difolatan 4F, Du-ter,.The Cregon State Department of Agriculture requested an Emergency. Exemption (Section 18) for the use of Bravo 500 Fungicide (Chloro-.BRAVO® 500 Agricultural Fungicide for any. Brassica crop listed on that label. Follow the most restrictive use directions of either.Thats what eight years of testing clearly showed-Bravo 500 fungicide is. Always follow label directions carefully when using agricultural cfiemicals.Suspension concentrate containing 500 g/l (40.58% w/w) chlorothalonil. DIRECTIONS FOR USE – FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE.(Alternate Brand Name: Bravo® Weather Stik~. W. SuperWeatherStik. Agricultural Fungicide. Active Ingredient:.BRAVO 500, INACTIVE (not renewed), 50534- 8-AA, View Product Information Report. BRAVO WEATHER STIK AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE (WEST COAST).ISK BIOTECH. Bravo S. Agricultural Fungicide/Miticide with Adjuvants. Rates differ from Bravo 500 Agricultural Fungicide.Chlorothalonil is used as a fungicide for vegetable, fruit, field,. 250 μg/g for agricultural and low density residential sites, 500 μg/g for urban park.Bravo Ultrex®. This product used for comparison purposes only and not. Bravo® ZN Agricultural Fungicide · Bravo® Zn · Cercos™ Fungicide. Equus® 500 ZN.distributor or your provincial agricultural representative. INSPIRE Fungicide can be tank mixed with BRAVO 500 or BRAVO 720 Fungicide.INACTIVE, 12/31/00, BRAVO 500, 50534- 8-AA- 10182. INACTIVE, 12/31/99, BRAVO WEATHER STIK AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE (WEST COAST), 50534- 188-ZA.Product Name, Captan, BRAVO 500 AGRICULTURAL FUNGICIDE. Province, CANADA. Incident Report, Incident Report. Incident Report NO. 2015-2348.plant tolerance to benomyl fungicide. Bravo 500, I qt-(Alternate sprays)-Benlate 50W, 8 oz. Dyrene WW, 3 Ib. CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, JUNE 1979.FUNGICIDE GROUP M. A suspension concentrate contact fungicide for the preventative control of various diseases in crops as indicated.Echo® Zn Agricultural Fungicide · Echo® Zn Turf and Ornamental Fungicide · Equus® 500 ZN · Initiate® ZN. Same Model of Action, Different Active.